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B&K Precision announces the expansion of its industry leading line of component testers with the new 894 and 895 Precision LCR meters. The testers are capable of measuring a wide range of components and materials with basic measurement accuracy of 0.05% at test frequency ranges from 20 Hz to 500 kHz or 1 MHz respectively. Users have the ability to configure AC and DC test signals. The AC test signal voltage is variable from 5 mVrms to 2 Vrms, the AC test current is adjustable up to 66.7 mArms of drive current, sufficient for larger inductors and transformers. Both models also feature a built-in DC bias voltage source with a range of -5V to +5V / -50 mA to +50 mA allowing users to apply a DC signal to the device under test to simulate in-circuit conditions. The built-in linear and logarithmic sweep function can be used to conveniently display, analyze and store primary and secondary parameters of a component at up to 201 sweep points.
The LCR meter’s handler interface can easily be integrated with a component handler to facilitate test automation in production or quality control environments. Combined with measurement speeds up to 13 ms/reading to, these LCR Meters can significantly increase manufacturing throughput. These meters are also outfitted with standard SCPI-compliant USB, RS232, Ethernet, and GPIB (model 895 only) interfaces that help enhance design and test productivity.
The new 894 and 895 LCR meters provide high accuracy, speed and versatile measurement functions at incredibly affordable prices starting at only 3 625€. Compared with the price of the closest competitor, Keysight’s E4980AL series, the savings are incredible. B&K Precision will no doubt set new standards for component testing as the 894 and 895 become leading solutions for a wide variety of applications in R&D and manufacturing environments.
BK894 & BK895 Comparison Guide
Ersetzt das Floppy-Disk-Laufwerk bei älteren Messgeräten durch einen USB-Port!
– Instruments Maintenance –
Es sind noch viele Messgeräte im Gebrauch, die als Speicher ein Floppy-Disk-Laufwerk benutzen. Diese sind zwar alt aber völlig funktionell, jedoch sind Disketten für das veraltete System kaum noch zu bekommen.
Wenn Sie ein Speichermedium neuerer Art für Ihr Messgerät wünschen, ist es möglich den ursprünglichen Disketten-Antrieb durch einen USB Emulator zu ersetzen. Dieser erlaubt Ihnen über 100 virtuelle Floppy-Disks zu ersetzen. Ein integrierter USP-Anschluss bietet Ihnen zudem weitere Speichermöglichkeiten.
Den Emulator gib es in verschiedenen Versionen.
1.44 Mb und 720-Kilobyte-Diskette. SFR1M44 Aktualisierte Version U100
oder SFRM72.
Die Emulatoren finden Sie unter anderem auf Amazon und eBay.
Sfr1m44-u100k Updated Version eBay | Amazon.com: Sfr1m44-u100k Updated Version