Ando AQ7140C OTDR

•High Dynamic Range: Up to 40db
•Power up Time: Less than 10 sec
•World’s Shortest Dead Zone: <0.8m
•Sampling resolution: min. 5cm
•Sampling points: max. 60,000
•Large internal memory: 20MB

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The Ando AQ7140C OTDR condenses the total working time during on site tests as the time to power up the device, the time taken to make measurements, and the time to analyze and store the measurement results are reduced significantly. The measurement results can easily be transmitted to computers using the USB interface or the Ethernet and the analysis software (optional) helps with preparation of reports on a Computer.

•Improved Waveform Quality
•Increased Dynamic range
•Wider Range of Optional Functions
•Fast measurements
•8.4 inch TFT-LCD color display for easy viewing

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