Com-Power SPA-815TGE 9kHz-1.5GHz Rigol Spectrum Analyzer with tracking gen & EMI option

•All-Digital IF Technology
•Frequency Range: 9 kHz to 1.5 GHz
•Up to -135 dBm Displayed Average Noise Level (DANL)
•-80 dBc/Hz @10 kHz offset Phase Noise
•Total Amplitude Uncertainty <1.5 dB
•100 Hz Minimum Resolution Bandwidth (RBW)
•1.5GHz Tracking Generator (DSA815-TG)
•Advanced Measurement functions (Option)
•EMI Filter & Quasi-Peak Detector Kit (optional)
•VSWR Measurement Kit (optional)
•Complete Connectivity: LAN,USB host,USB device,GPIB (option)
•8 Inch WVGA (800×480) Display
•Compact Size,Light weight design

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Discontinued Replaced by: DSA815-TG-EMI.    
The SPA-series high performance, low cost, easy to use, portable spectrum analyzers are ideal for a pre-compliance laboratory. All three models feature a wide frequency range and low noise floor to increase system sensitivity and system to noise ratio. An advanced, easy to use interface makes your work simple by putting the features you need at your fingertips. Value-priced without compromising on features, our EMI testing spectrum analyzers offer you the greatest performance to price ratio in the market. The measurement accuracy of these instruments make them ideal for preliminary radiated and conducted EMI testing. A user-oriented interface allows for easy operation of complex functions. A high-resolution WVGA display provides high quality images. Traces are drawn in different colors, allowing recognition of small disparities at a glance. The SPA series connectivity options include LAN(LXI) and USB.
SPA-815TGE: The Com-Power SPA-815TGE is a highly precise EMC testing spectrum analyzer with preamplifier, 1.5 GHz tracking generator and a frequency range of 9 kHz to 1.5 GHz. It boasts a low, -135 dBm Displayed Average Noise Level (DANL) [RBW=100 Hz] and -80 dBc/Hz @ 10 kHz Offset Phase Noise. An 8-inch WVGA display makes viewing testing results and locating noise easy. It has a factory-installed EMI filter [for -6 dB measurement BW] and quasi-peak detector.


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Com-Power SPA-815TGE    9kHz-1.5GHz Rigol Spectrum Analyzer with tracking gen & EMI option

Com-Power SPA-815TGE Produktdatenblatt

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