TheTektronix RG501 Ramp Generator produces an adjustable 10 V ramp, either positive-going or negative-going, with selectable and variable durations from 10 s to 10 μs. A TTL-compatible gate signal coincident with the ramp duration is provided at the front panel. The RG 501 has a full set of oscilloscope-type triggering controls providing normal or automatic triggering, slope and level selection, and triggers from three sources: line, internal, or external via a front panel BNC connector. The RG501 is ideally suited to sweep VCF or VCO inputs of most function generators. The gate output signal provides for synchronizing the swept oscillator to the sweeper input. A natural application of the RG501 would be to pair it with another plug-in member of the TM500 series rack. The FG501 is an example of a function generator that can be swept over a 1000:1 range. The RG501 operates in a TEKTRONIX TM 500 Series Power Module only. It is completely compatible with other members of the system in terms of signal interconnections.