Ando AQ4137B Stabilised Light Source

•Plug-in-type unit allows a wide choice of light source units-both LED and LD-with various wavelengths(660, 850, 1300, 1310, 1550, 1310/1550 nm).
•Optical output level can be attenuated from 0 to 6dB continuously (in steps of 0.1dB).
•Capable of producing CW light and 270Hz chopped light.
•GPIB standard.
•Internal modulation frequency: Square wave 270Hz ± 0.5Hz

Artikelnummer: 1628 Kategorien: ,


The Ando AQ-4137B Stabized Light Source can accommodate up to two channels. Both LED and LD light source units of various wavelengths are available to allow many configurations. Incorporation of a thermostat/ temperature compensation circuit ensures high optical output level stability. Since the output level can be attenuated up to 6dB in steps of 0.1dB, the AQ-4137B can be used for accurate characteristics measurements at the same optical output level, etc.

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