TMC ist stolz anzukündigen, das unsere neueste Integration, die Deutschland-Vertretung der Firma Microrad vollzogen wurde.

Microrad designs and manufactures meters and analyzers for the isotropic measurement of electromagnetic fields.

The range of safety products includes broadband measuring meters with demodulation of the band base and frequency selective.

Microrad offers assistance services, technical training and ISO 17025: 2005 certification on all physical quantities that can be measured by our meters. The company management system is ISO 9001: 2015 certified.


Our mission is to design isotropic measuring systems for electromagnetic safety.

Our know-how is aimed at the sensors of electric, magnetic, and electromagnetic fields and ranges from static fields to millimeter waves.

We have vanguard solutions in each and every sector both for broadband and selective measures.

Our products have been developed in order to operate in agreement with all principal international regulations.

Microrad’s current product line is composed of:

    • Interchangeable isotropic probes for measuring electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields.
    • Broadband meters (DC-40GHz)
  • Complex signal analyzers in the time/frequency domain from DC to 1 MHz

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